
Our Services

Opportunity Knocks provides a variety  of assessment services, including:

Full diagnostic assessments  

Cognitive-educational assessments for children, adolescents, or adults suspected of having one of the Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) - dyslexia, dysgraphia, or dyscalculia. For students in year six or above, assessment for dyslexia can be done remotely via Zoom.

Special Assessment Conditions (SAC)  

For secondary or tertiary students, this includes a full diagnostic assessment, plus documentation for exam accommodations. These can be granted by NZQA for students with identified learning disorders, and may permit having a reader, writer, or extra time during exams, 


All full diagnostic reports provide a detailed analysis of strengths and weaknesses, along with recommendations for interventions or accommodations. Interventions involve teaching specific skills to improve learning, such as breaking words into syllables for better reading. Accommodations aim to remove learning barriers, like using text-to-speech technology for reading support.  For more information, please refer to SLD Full Assessments

Maths proficiency assessment

This assessment provides a thorough analysis of core maths concepts and skills, covering:

Basic Concepts ~ Numeration; Algebra; Geometry; Measurement; Data Analysis and Probability


Mathematical Operations ~ Mental Computation and Estimation; Addition and Subtraction; Multiplication and Division


Applications ~ Foundations of Problem Solving; Applied Problem Solving


A detailed diagnostic report identifies specific gaps in knowledge. For further information refer to SLD Full Assessments

Screening assessments for dyslexia or dyscalculia

The Dyslexia Portfolio calculates a 'dyslexia index' to show the likelihood of dyslexia and provides a profile of individual strengths and weaknesses.


Dyscalculia is assessed using both informal and formal maths tests. These tests estimate number sense and general maths knowledge, allowing for early identification of difficulties that may suggest dyscalculia.


 For further information refer to SLD Screening Assessments