Research shows that Specific Learning Disorders (SLDs) like dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia are linked to how the brain processes information and may have a genetic component as well. Although estimates vary, around 5% of children are thought to have an SLD. These disorders can differ in intensity, ranging from mild to severe.
Dyslexia is a type of learning difficulty where a person has trouble recognising words accurately or reading them fluently. It also often involves challenges with spelling and sounding out words. This usually happens because of a weakness in some basic mental processes, especially in phonological processing - being aware of the sounds that make up spoken words. Other areas, like working memory and processing speed, may also be affected. These difficulties make it harder to quickly learn the connections between sounds and letters, a key skill needed for reading.
Common signs of an SLD in reading (dyslexia)
Symptoms of dyslexia can differ from one person to another and also change with age. The British Dyslexia Association offers a detailed list of symptoms for different age groups. In primary school, common signs include:
Slow identification of connections between sounds and letters.
Difficulty recognising familiar words.
Frequent, inconsistent spelling errors, for example, spelling the same word in different ways within a single piece of writing.
Omissions or incorrect ordering of letters within words, with limited ability to recognise these errors.
Good ideas but slower than average completion of written work.
Errors in reading or writing involving reversals or confusions with words (for example, saw for was, stops for spots, does for goes).
Very slow reading speed.
Decoding errors, especially single words in isolation.
Signs of frustration or avoidance of tasks involving reading or writing.
Fatigue from the effort required to complete a reading or writing task.
Lack of confidence and a low opinion of academic ability.
A person with dysgraphia struggles with the process of writing. This can affect the physical act of writing, the ability to organise their thoughts on paper, or sometimes both.
Common signs of an SLD in writing (dysgraphia)
Difficulty with fine motor skills which may show as trouble forming letters shapes, and illegible handwriting.
Tight, awkward, or painful grip on a pencil.
Difficulty following a line or staying within margins.
Unusual posture, or paper position, while writing.
Poor spelling, including unfinished words or missing words or letters.
Difficulty organizing or articulating thoughts on paper.
Trouble with sentence structure or following rules of grammar when writing, but not when speaking.
Pronounced difference between the ability to speak about, and write about, a topic.